The Academy of the Impossible is Getting Underway

Academy of the Impossible
Copyright: Linz09

Prior to the official start of the Academy of the Impossible’s course programme, administrators are taking yet another step beyond the realm of a conventional workshop programme and seeking out-of-the-ordinary venues.

One of the Academy’s course offerings will be held at the Asten Penitentiary near Linz. There, theatre artist, dramaturge and drama therapist Angelika Kisser-Maayan and cartoonist, actor, director and author Walter Mathes will be staging a very special workshop with a group of inmates: instead of prescribed texts, these convicts will be working with their own autobiographical material and their personal life stories.
At another interesting production, teachers from the Linz metro area will be convening for a three-day course entitled “My Story on Stage,” at which they’ll deal with creative theatrical processes. The courses open to the general public will be getting underway on July 14. The highly diversified program includes dance, yoga, clown artistry, meditation, bodily experience and singing. You can register online at