A Successful Presentation in Brussels


More than 350 guests attended a Linz09 presentation on October 14 at the European Parliament in Brussels. Speeches and artistic intermezzi were the highlights of the evening.

Representatives of the European Parliament and the European Commission as well as numerous Austrian expatriates got a very positive impression of Linz09 at a presentation hosted by MEP Harald Ettl. Prominent attendees included Claudia Schmied (Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Art and Culture), Josef Pühringer (Governor of the Province of Upper Austria), Erich Watzl (Vice-Mayor of Linz), Odile Quintin (General Director for Education and Culture, European Commission), Katerina Batzeli (Chairwoman of the Committee on Culture and Education, European Parliament), MEP Paul Rübig, MEP Christa Prets and Christoph Leitl (President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce).
Ensemble09’s concert performance of “Instant Anton,” a screening of the new Linz09 promotional film and photographs by Paul Kranzler provided aural and visual insights into the City of Linz. Addresses by Martin Heller and Ulrich Fuchs elaborated on the diversity of the Capital of Culture year program and its areas of emphasis.