Centralkino to host Oasis of Quiet

Oasis of Quiet Centralkino

The Linz09 project “Hörstadt” transforms Advent again into the “most peaceful time of the year”. The Centralkino Oasis of Quiet offers the possibility to experience acoustic peace and gives anyone in need of it a break from the constant exposure to noise that has become a nearly permanent characteristic of city life.

The Centralkino Oasis of Quiet, which is going to become operational on 29 November, is a safe haven immune against the noise and hectic flurry of even the most turbulent shopping afternoon. In accordance with a proposal by the urban researcher Peter Payer and in collaboration with Upper Austria’s SPÖ and Linz University of Arts, the tradition-steeped former cinema at Linz’s Landstraße 36 has been transformed into an Oasis of Quiet, which is freely accessible to anyone who wants to get away from ubiquitous acoustic irradiation. The Oasis will be open to the public Tuesdays through Sundays, from 12:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., until November 2009.