Extra Europa: Powerful Images and Sounds in Hafenhalle09

Extra Europa / La Premiere Fois
La Premiere Fois
Copyright: Isabelle Meister

Two productions of uncommonly forceful expressiveness are in store for Linz09 Extra Europa festivalgoers in Hafenhalle09. Turkish musician Ahmet Özhan will get audiences moving to Sufi music. Then, Switzerland’s Théâtre en Flammes presents its take on “the first time.”

Ahmet Özhan is one of the most prominent artists specializing in classical Turkish music and Sufi music. His performance in Hafenhalle09 will be accompanied by the Dancing Dervishes. Enjoy an evening full of prizewinning music and the enchanting interplay of music and dance!
Powerful images, perceptions and feelings are brought forth by the performances of Théâtre en Flammes from Lausanne. “La première Fois” deals with moments in everyday existence, with those simple, moving, egocentric “first times” in our lives. In spontaneously orchestrated sequences, the performers give accounts of incidents in their past, all of which begin with the words “The first time…” What gradually emerges is a chorus in which the words become superimposed and the voices intertwine. The Swiss company’s naturalistic acting style creates something like a Happening. Reserve your tickets now!

Ahmet Özhan & Ensemble
Saturday, April 11, 2009, 8 PM
Hafenhalle09, Industriezeile 41a, 4020 Linz

Théâtre en Flammes: La première Fois
Saturday, April 25 and Sunday, April 26, 2009, 8 PM
Hafenhalle09, Industriezeile 41a, 4020 Linz
Immediately after the performance, there’ll be audience Q&A moderated by Airan Berg.