Online Archive Documenting Linz09

Copyright: Andreas Kepplinger

Since 2006, our website has been Linz09’s most important channel of communication. And even after the Capital of Culture year goes down in history, this online presence will remain up and running as a comprehensive archive. But as for the staff of the publication you’re presently reading, the time has come to take our leave: this is the last issue of the Linz09 newsletter.

Detailed information about all projects, productions and performances, programme news & updates, convenient ticketing and hotel room reservations, online versions of press releases and downloadable photos are some of the most popular functions and contents has delivered throughout the Capital of Culture year. At yearend, this website will cease to be a programme information source and function strictly as an archive. In a series of steps to be implemented over the course of January 2010, this site will get a major makeover into a research tool that is as diversified and user-friendly as possible. It will provide a retrospective overview of all projects and activities staged under the auspices of Europe’s 2009 Capital of Culture, supplemented by facts & figures and documentation concerning the bottom line.

At the end of its run, the Linz09 Newsletter has more than 8,500 subscribers. Dear Ladies & Gentlemen, it’s been a pleasure to serve you! But even after the final issue of this publication hits your inbox, it’ll be easy to stay updated about all the amazing things going on in this extraordinarily vibrant city. Here are a few links to Linz newsletters and other online information sources:
Overview of various electronic newsletters from municipal agencies and institutions:
Linz Tourist Board’s newsletter:
Information about cultural facilities of the Province of Upper Austria: