Spotted Any Creatures Lately?

Erich Pröll

“Universum Linz – Through Animals’ Eyes” is a brand-new production by nature-filmmaker Erich Pröll. Linzers are invited to pitch in as script consultants!

“Universum Linz – Through Animals’ Eyes” is a brand-new production by nature-filmmaker Erich Pröll. Linzers are invited to pitch in as script consultants!
Erich Pröll has captured some of the wonders of nature for the ORF – Austrian Broadcasting Company’s popular “Universum” series. Now, to mark the upcoming Capital of Culture year, he’s turning his cameras on Linz and filming the city from the perspective of the animals that populate its grounds, waters and skies. But to do so, help is needed from Linz’s human inhabitants. Erich Pröll is calling upon all citydwellers to let him know about their curious animal sightings and out-of-the-ordinary encounters with critters right here in Linz. Send your anecdotes and ideas to