Linz Status Quo - Architectural Criticism Today

Linz Status Quo
Bart Lootsma

The next event in conjunction with the "Linz Status Quo" project is set for Friday, 7th March 2008. International experts will convene at a symposium dedicated to a discussion of the significance of architectural criticism.

In February 2008 Linz09 launched the series of events “Linz Status Quo” a project for Linz09 in which three internationally renowned architectural critics—Shumon Basar (London), Angelika Schnell (Berlin / Innsbruck) and Roemer van Toorn (Amsterdam), all independent outsiders with regard to Linz—will assess the qualitative state of architecture and city planning in the Linz metropolitan area.

On 7th March 2008 the critics will present themselves and deliver insight into their work. Together with Bart Lootsma they discuss the importance of architectural criticism.

The official language of the symposium will be English.
Introduction and Moderator: Bart Lootsma

Friday, 7th März 2008, 6 p.m.
afo architekturforum oberösterreich, Prunerstr. 12, 4020 Linz