Take the Next Step: Attend the Academy of the Impossible

Academy of the Impossible
Academy of the Impossible
Copyright: Nick Mangafas

Make the impossible a reality! That’s the mission of the Academy of the Impossible, a workshop program being staged by Linz09. Here, diversity is the name of the game—as the following three examples illustrate.

The Academy of the Impossible offers a flexible program in two respects: the subject matter and disciplines being offered cover a very broad spectrum of interests, and the various different teaching formats—from one-day workshops to intensive week-long courses—offer something for every time budget.

The course in Dynamic Osho Meditation is based on the teachings of the Indian master Osho. Physical activity is combined with contemplation in this form of meditation that’s been designed specifically for men and women living a modern lifestyle subject to the stresses of mobility, constant availability and time pressure.
Techniques developed by legendary Polish producer/director Jerzy Grotowski, experimental theatrical forms, and Asiatic methods are blended in Living River Body. Course leader Sun Sun Yap will sharpen your physical sensitivity and perceptual faculties. The result is a heightened consciousness of body and space.
The Academy invites families to attend Toddlers and Parents. This workshop is a setting for parents and their small children to get creative, engage in activities and play with colors together.

Dynamic Osho Meditation
One-hour course, July 14-18, July 21-25, July 28-August 2, August 4-8, August 11-15, 5-6 PM each day

Living River Body
Three-hour course, July 15-18, July 21-25, July 28-30, 10 AM to 1 PM each day

Parents and Toddlers
One-hour course, July 19-20, July 26-27, August 2-3, August 9-10, 10-11 AM and 4-5 PM each day