“Acoustic City” Opens a Tranquil Oasis in the Heart of Town


Designing our audible environment with human beings in mind, dispensing with incessant background music and doing away with noise forced upon people in public spaces—the “Beschallungsfrei–Help Stamp Out Acoustic Pollution” campaign being launched in conjunction with the “Acoustic City” initiative got underway at the end of October. The mission is to make Linz the world’s first acoustic model city.

The first project cornerstone to manifest itself will be the Ruhepol (acoustic refuge) Centralkino opening on Landstraße on November 29—and thus on the first Saturday of the Christmas shopping season. This is meant as a subtle hint that Advent actually ought to be the quietest time of the year. In spring 2009, a second Ruhepol will be installed in St. Mary’s Cathedral. The project’s new website www.hoerstadt.at goes into the concept behind “Acoustic City” and provides complete details about the project’s measures and actions.