Search for Traces of the Legacy of February 1934

Civil Wars
Copyright: Christian Klösch

Early in the Capital of Culture year, this country marks the 75th anniversary of the Austrian Civil War that broke out in Linz. On February 12, Linz09’s “Civil Wars” project will look into what remains of February 1934.

An uprising of Social Democrats in Linz on February 12, 1934 spread like wildfire across the country and escalated into the first Austrian Civil War. These events made a strong impact on Austria's major political camps, but a consensus about Austrofascism has still not emerged in society at large. The reason for this disputed legacy will be the subject of the first panel discussion in conjunction with the “Civil Wars” project that is scrutinizing such conflicts in several other European countries and examining their long-term consequences.

What remains of February 1934?
February 12, 2009, 8 PM
Kepler Salon, Rathausgasse 5, Linz

Panel discussion with:
Birgit Kirchmayr, historian, Linz
Georg Starhemberg, estate owner, Eferding
Helmut Wagner, publisher, Linz
Josef Weidenholzer (Univ. Prof., Representative SPÖ)
Bernhard Baier (Representative, ÖVP)
Moderator: Florian Wenninger

Free admission