Danube Theatre World in Ottensheim

Copyright: Kulturbaden Ottensheim

Now’s the time to set sail for Ottensheim on the Danube! Amidst an idyllic, summery atmosphere where river, peninsula and mainland meet, you’re cordially invited to enter the theatrical world of “Culture Bathing.”

This Otherworld is situated on the banks of the Danube and in its waters—a myth-enshrouded, utopian society of inhabitants perfectly in synch with the riverside landscape. There are swimmers, tidewater fishers, book washers, an admiral, a contrabassist, and many other otherworldly characters. Viewer/participants of “Kehrwasser (Eddy),” a gemütlich theatrical stroll, can choose whether they want to be observers or protagonists. “Ertrinken (Drowning)” features retellings of Danube myths and tales of the Otherworld. “Linzswimming” is exactly what it says: a 12-kilometer waterborne outing from Ottensheim to Linz! And by all means cruise over to the Paper Ship Dockyard, where everyone can build his/her own private yacht and launch it on its brief way to a watery demise.

July 25 & August 1, 2009, 3, 3:45, 4:30 & 5:15 PM
Meeting place: Ottensheim Ferry

July 25 & August 1, 2009, 8:30 & 10 PM
Meeting place: The grounds of the toboggan run 300 m upriver from the Ottensheim Ferry

July 26 & August 2, 2009, 2 PM
Additional event on July 19, 2009, 2 PM
Meeting place: Lido Ottensheim
NOTE: Only for excellent swimmers!

Paper Ship Dockyard
July 25 & 26, August 1 & 2, 2009, 10 AM to 7 PM

Information and ticketing at www.kulturbaden.ottensheim.at; info hotline: +43 (0)680 / 311 69 98