European Networking

Copyright: Hans Wetzelsdorfer

Europe’s been naming Capitals of Culture since 1985. Among the spin-offs have been wide-ranging networks of all sorts. The EU Art Network, a coalition of European artists, will be holding a multi-day symposium in Linz at which attendees will also consider the Capital of Culture concept.

Since 2001, the EU Art Network has been staging annual symposia to nurture international understanding among artists. This year's symposium is being held in Linz, and includes a broad spectrum of activities in the visual arts, music and dance. The distinctive feature of this get-together is that all invited artists come from European Capitals of Culture. There’ll be an art exhibit, and Schloss Traun is hosting an “Open Windows” workshop at which visitors can observe artists as they go about their creative work. Plus, the lineup includes a guest concert as part of the “Circus” series.

EU Art Network
August 20-30, 2009 at various locations in Linz and Traun
Free admission!
Complete details at