When 09 Turns Into 10

Aus Nullneun mach Zehn
Copyright: Linz09

We’re sorry to have to bring it up but … the end is near. On December 31, Linz bids adieu to a great Capital of Culture year. Needless to say, this calls for a party! So we’re ringing out 2009 just like we kicked it off: with entertainment on Hauptplatz and fireworks at Midnight.

Even if we’ve still got a jam-packed December lineup to look forward to, those wistful emotions are starting to well up as we approach the turn of the year marking the official end of Linz’s stint as European Capital of Culture. The New Year’s Eve entertainment lineup on Hauptplatz gets underway at 10 PM with music by Linz’s very own cult band, Shy. There’ll be a retrospective featuring the best images of 2009 presented by Artistic Director Martin Heller, video greetings from the 2010 Capitals of Culture, Essen, Pécs and Istanbul, and the musical artistry of Vienna’s Waldeck. Then comes the countdown to the grand climax at Midnight: the Blue Danube Waltz and pyrotechnics above Europe’s great river. But that’s not even close to the finale! A don’t-miss band named Russkaja will be rocking in the new year from the Hauptplatz stage. Closing out the festivities is the final installment of the GOOD NIGHT STUFF club series, and thus what will definitively be Linz09’s last party: beginning at 2 AM, Stadtkeller is the setting of “We Built this City on Rock and Roll,” a roller-coaster ride through the party pandemonium of the ‘80s! And then, as the sun comes up on January 1, 2010—and not a minute sooner—Linz’s Capital of Culture year will go down in history…

December 31, 2009, beginning at 9 PM
Hauptplatz (Main Square) and Donaupark
Free admission

SHY // 10 PM
WALDECK // 11.15 PM
RUSSKAJA // 00.15 AM

Beginning at 2 AM
GOOD NIGHT STUFF: We Built this City on Rock and Roll
Stadtkeller, Brückenkopfgebäude Ost, Hauptplatz 5-6, 4020 Linz

Details: www.linz09.at/silvester