Science Talks in KEPLER SALON

Kepler Salon
Copyright: Linz09 / Archipicture, Tollerian

The KEPLER SALON series of presentations held in the former residence of astronomer Johannes Kepler has been one of the Capital of Culture year’s biggest hits. Another fascinating lineup is scheduled for December.

Week after week throughout 2009, there have been big turnouts for the evening discussions in KEPLER SALON. Audiences have enjoyed close-up encounters with experts offering insights into fascinating and controversial issues in such fields as the history of science, nature and medicine, art and culture, astronomy and technology. Occasionally, so many attendees showed up that the proceedings had to be beamed live to an adjoining overflow space. The December lineup features five events; the themes include the creative economy, rhetoric and migration. The final KEPLER SALON evening of 2009 is set for December 16 and is entitled “Plunging into a Black Hole. Spaghettification and Other Experiences.”
KEPLER SALON’s tremendous success is a strong argument in favor of continuing it after the conclusion of the Capital of Culture year. Nevertheless, the future is uncertain. The Linz09 staff has already prepared a detailed plan (including budgeting) for carrying on the KEPLER SALON series under new auspices. We have approached the owners of the Kepler House, potential sponsors as well as the government agencies that have provided funding for Linz09 and elaborated on all aspects of what it would take to continue this series, but these talks have not yet resulted in a final decision. Among government officials, there are both passionate proponents and vociferous naysayers. If you’d like to support Linz09’s effort to carry on KEPLER SALON, then let your voice be heard: for instance, in letters-to-the-editor columns or by lobbying your elected representatives directly.

December events in KEPLER SALON: